1. Introduction

At Bioretur, we are committed to providing you with personalized content while also protecting your privacy. This privacy statement explains why and how we process personal data when you use bioretur.no and our related digital services. Personal data includes all types of information that can be related to an identifiable person, such as name, email address, phone number, etc.

bioretur.no is owned and operated by Bioretur AS, organization number 918 783 628, Nesttunvegen 102, 5221 Nesttun. If you have questions about the information we have about you or if anything is unclear, please feel free to contact us at post@bioretur.no.

2. About Personal Data and Regulations

Personal data is information that can identify you as an individual. All processing of personal data, such as collection, registration, storage, and disclosure, is subject to specific rules, including the Personal Data Act. Bioretur is responsible for ensuring that the processing complies with the law. The Data Protection Authority supervises compliance with the law.

It is voluntary for you as a visitor to our website to provide personal data in connection with services such as downloading information material, signing up for our events, filling out forms, answering surveys, and other inquiries via email. The information from our contact forms is stored in our email post@bioretur.no and in the WordPress database for up to six (6) months.

3. What Information is Processed?

We process both personally identifiable information and non-personally identifiable information. Personally identifiable information can include name, address, phone number, email address, company, and IP address. We want to clarify that we do not process sensitive personal information about you in our systems. Non-personally identifiable information includes things that do not reveal your personal identity, such as cookies.

Personally identifiable information

  • If you subscribe to a newsletter, you need to register your email address. This is so that we can send newsletters to you via email with invitations and news on a regular basis.
  • If you download information material from our website, you may need to register your name and email address so that we can send the material to you.
  • By signing up for our events, you need to register personal information such as full name, email address, company, and job title. This information is needed to tailor the content and format of the event as best as possible.
  • By responding to surveys that are not anonymous, we may be able to identify you as an individual with your name and email address. We will always inform you of the purpose of the survey and whether it is anonymous or not. Participation in these surveys is voluntary.
  • If you contact us, we may keep the correspondence, including information you provide so that we can address your inquiry. The information from our contact forms is stored in our email post@bioretur.no and in the WordPress database for up to six (6) months.

Details about Third-Party Providers

The following third-party providers may also collect and store information on Bioretur.net

If you agree to subscribe to our newsletters, your email will be stored so that news and campaigns can be sent to you. You can change your preferences or unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time using a link at the bottom of all email communications. If you need assistance with changes or unsubscribing, you can contact us at post@bioretur.no.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics uses cookies to track trends in how the website is used. We use this data to improve the website and gain insights into which of our services you are interested in. You can learn more about our use of cookies here.

Google Consent Mode v2
The Google Consent Mode tool allows us to adjust our tracking activity based on user consent. If a user gives consent for tracking purposes, Consent Mode enables Google Analytics to collect and process data according to this consent. However, it’s important to note that even if a user doesn’t give consent, Google Consent Mode still allows the collection of anonymous data that cannot identify individual users. This data is used to generate general analyses and statistics about the website’s performance and user patterns but does not contain personally identifiable information.

We use Hotjar to better understand the needs of users of our website. Hotjar is a technology service that helps us understand user experience (e.g. how much time they spend on which pages, which links they choose to click, what users like and dislike, etc.). Hotjar uses cookies and other technology to collect data about user behavior and their devices. The device’s IP address (processed during the session and stored in a de-identified form), screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country only), and preferred language used to display our website are collected. Hotjar stores this information on our behalf in a pseudonymized user profile. Hotjar is contractually bound not to resell any of the data collected on our behalf. For more information, you can visit Hotjar’s support page.

4. Sharing of Information

In principle, we do not share personal data with other companies, except for collaboration partners who need the information to provide services to us. If we disclose personal data, we enter into agreements with the relevant third parties that limit their use of the information.

We may also disclose information in individual cases as required by law, for example to public authorities if a court order is issued for the investigation of offenses.

5. Management of Personal Data

You can inquire about and influence the use of, as well as request the deletion of, personal data we have about you by contacting post@bioretur.no.

6. About Digital Marketing and Sales Activities

When you sign up for our events, you need to register personal information such as full name, email address, company, and job title. If there is catering, we will also ask you about any food allergies. (This is voluntary to provide, and the information is deleted immediately after each event). All the information you provide in connection with the event is used solely to tailor its content and format as best as possible. By signing up, you may receive related information via email, such as practical information in advance, emails afterwards with presentations/videos, and links to anonymous evaluation forms. You can request more information or unsubscribe from the event at any time. We also cannot store your information and send you marketing-related information on a general basis, such as invitations to other events or technology news, without your approval. We do not share your information with third parties unless it is necessary to carry out the event. This will be specified in the invitation/registration form.

From time to time, we conduct minor surveys, such as customer satisfaction surveys, evaluations following our events, and market research, etc. We use Surveymonkey as a tool. We will always inform you about the purpose of the survey and whether it is anonymous or not. We will not share the information with others or use the information for purposes other than those stated. Anonymous surveys will not collect any information that can be linked to you. If the survey is not anonymous, we can identify you as an individual, and your email address will be shared with Surveymonkey. Surveymonkey adheres to GDPR guidelines on privacy. You can find their privacy statement here. The purpose of the surveys is solely to provide better service and improve our services. We always analyze the results immediately after a survey and create a report presented internally. The report does not contain personal data but only a compilation of responses and the overall result. For identifiable surveys, all personal data will be deleted, but we store overall results to track history and compare results from year to year to ensure that the improvement measures we take are effective.

7. Changes to the Privacy Statement

We may periodically update or change the privacy statement. We will inform about significant changes.

8. Contact Information

If you have questions about Bioretur’s privacy statement or our use of personal data, please feel free to contact us at post@bioretur.no.

Last updated: October 16, 2018

This post is also available in: Norwegian Bokmål